Saturday, September 26, 2009

Stochastic Gibberish

I woke up in the morning today and had an epiphany. Ok... not to shout "Eureka !!!" and run around naked. But to run around shouting I did it !! I did it !! (Get ur head outta ur ass and make space for my foot.) Basically, I got down to writing this blog... Hehehehe. And you thought I got a major breakthrough in space science...? Wait a minute... That happened too. But just a small difference - it wasnt me... It was ISRO team. (For all you uninformed anthropophobics - We found large amounts of water on the moon...#Chandrayan)... But yeah.. me or ISRO... Potato... Potaato... all the same. :P Well thanks to #Sunshine for the wake up call. Sadly, my writing skills have been reduced to emails.. wuaaaaaahhhhhhh :(

Being drowned in work aint no easy thing to manage when your a blogger. Wait a minute, or is it the other way around??? Oops.

Thinking of work, I hear the IIT folks went on a hunger strike asking for better pay and treatment.
"However, the Union Government reacted saying that if the IITs claim to be global quality institutions then they should come up with a grand vision to produce Nobel laureates and prove they really are centres of excellence."
Wtf??? The whole world knows that IIT's have been "visionaries" in producing Nobel laureates. If the UG wanted to deny or reject the request, bloody do it with a proper reason and not some grandma reason like pigs flying into space and attacking martians.

Speaking of flying, this is the third or fourth time Air India has had to cancel flights due to Pilots (3) calling in sick. Now its interesting how all 3 of them called in sick at the same time. Goes on to prove AI's inflight service?? LOL. Reminds me of an incident where a flight from chennai scheduled to leave by 19 45 was delayed due to "technical snag" (a term coined for the convenience of the airline jackasses. Even a small switch out of place is called a technical snag and even a... "Oh fk... Mayday !! mayday !! I'm missing a right engine... And I forgot my parachute at the breakfast table...Mayday !! mayday !!" u get the point.) They didnt take off till 22 30 and finally were ready by 22 45. At that time, the pilot comes out of the cockpit with his bag and says, "my shift is over, the other pilot is on his way. Bye" LMFAO.

Still LMAO

And now Obama wants Iran to come clean on nuclear programme.. I am literally falling off my chair. Iran cops have come up with a rule that "No CURVY mannequins are allowed on shop windows". My dear Mr. Obama, they are still in 1892 and u want them to cum clean on Nuclear programme???? Do the math dude...

Enough of current affairs. Now mez gotta go and start picking stuff off my plate. Have soooo much on it right now that I cant even see the bottom of the plate. Boo bloody hell hoo. I aint cribbing n all. Peace !! \m/

But wait I have the India - Pak clash soon. Hell Yeah ! So probably I shall take my plate along and have some paki curry.

Restecp... #Ali-G :P


Raghu said...

vented quite a bit there, didn't you? :D

Madan Chander said...

told ya it was Stochastic...

Deepali Jamwal said...

Mr. Blogger! waiting for ur next post... bring it on, soon!!!

Madan Chander said...

Yeah sorry abt that...
comin up soon !