Wednesday, February 18, 2009


A friend of mine once had a date with the big man and guess didn’t like him too much. She dumped him. Now, he’s so upset that he’s hit the roads with a Romanov in his hand and catches hold of every Tom, Dick and Harry he can lay his eyes on to torcher them to set him up with her again on a second chance.

Unfortunately, I happen to play the roll of Tom.

Today, I was not sure whether it was the Zulus doing the mamba wamba rain dance or the big man just lettin out his frustrations, But it was one ‘hell’ of a rain with all the wrath showing as lightning and thunder. Starting at 1 00 am, he cried, cried and cried. Somehow the cries (rain) stopped at 6 am.

Left the house on my bike thinking about the wet roads. I didnt know i was in for some sick games. Roads are unusually empty and everything seemingly normal. I dont want to take risks (pretty unusual of me) and so keep a constant speed of 35 (Thanks to digital metres). Now comes the ‘twists and turns’. I see a red santro in front of me slowing down to a stop towards the left at a decent distance away. I say “ah, what the heck” and continue my drive.

Suddenly, the red santro swerves to the right from all the way left to take a ‘U-Turn’ and i’m the scapegoat. Hit the rear brakes (literally standing on it to be more precise) and the bike starts skidding sideways. Experience has taught me never to hit the front brakes abrubtly unless i wanted a "Hallowed be thy head" (effect of Iron Maiden 24-7...Sorry). So ya, thankfully my (so called) instincts pop up from nowhere and I hit the front brakes after the vehicle slowed down a bit.

There was a small ‘Romantic’ moment between my bike’s front tire and the santro’s door, which was blatantly cut short with my banging on the driver’s window. Window rolls down to show the face of a woman in her 40s murmuring blah blah blah. (STFU womannnnn) I shout ‘What the **** is wrong with you? What are the bloody indicators for?’ The woman has the guts to say, ‘I THOUGHT i had switched on the LEFT indicator’. Pls note this point your honour. First of all she ‘thought’ she had done it and next she says “left” indicator when she swerved to the right. Grrrr....

These kind of bird brains who call themselves drivers shouldn’t be allowed on the roads. Anyways, we parted with swearing words and went our own ways. Since after the incident, Murphy has had some mercy on me and not fiddled with my day….SO FAR. Cant be stuck inside the house so well i'm off again. Lets c what the big man has in store.... Bring It On !!!


Sunshine said...

lol...murphy! hilarious!

wt happ to ur pigeon post? it disappeared!

Madan Chander said...

thx dude...
yeah it did...
some "objections" were there from friends...

Sunshine said...


Sunshine said...

you have been tagged! :)

Madan Chander said...

a few some...
tagged meaning "followers"?