Friday, February 20, 2009

Random Tag

Mishu has tagged me for the Random tag thread to put up 25 random facts abt moi. Yeah right !

Ok the rules are :
- Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
- At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
Well... Here Goes...

1. I have a slight OCD (for those who dont know what this is...look it up. Enuf damage gonna be done anyways. I aint gonna inflict further damage to myself by explaining what it is). Mish is gonna run me over for this cuz I keep tellin her that she's got it.

2. I cannot hide anything from 1 person - my sister. Anyone else, I can take their secrets to the grave. but when it comes to my matters, she will come to know sometime or the other. 99.99 % of the time, its me blurting it out.

3. I hate chocolate and ice cream. Many call me wierd for it but yeah I do.

4. I have a selective photographic memory. (whatever I choose to register in my head stays that there). Supposed to be a good thing but most of the time leads to negative consequences.

5. I dont take anything too seriously in life except for 2 things - my family and my friends. I take them to be my priority.

6. I hate to put on faces for others and hate ppl who do so too. Love just to be me and dont care of the consequences. (Have faced a lotta crap due to this)

7. I think its a crime to say no to beer or whisky (no other form of

8. I'm a sucker for cricket. Anytime, anywhere, anyday, I can watch, play and talk abt cricket.

9. I eat to live - not the other way around. (Hard to believe but yeah its true)

10. I love slow songs when i'm high. But when sober, its a different story altogether.

11. I seldom get "crazy" angry, but when I do - I seem to tip over the edge. Ppl close to me know of the actions and reactions. (Something to do with #4)

12. I'm an insomniac. Hardly sleep. Can wake up early in the morning after a long night, if necessary.

13. When someone confides in me, I like to go out of my way to comfort and help them. However difficult to reach, I will always give it a shot.

14. I'm more of an introvert (atleast for the past few years). Like to hold things to myself.

15. I'm sort of a time freak. Being punctual and all. Worst part is I expect others around me to be. (I know thats bad)

16. I am a workaholic (Probably the genes). When i'm not working, I have to be doing something or the other that keeps me busy. Being idle drives me nuts.

17. I'm always game to try new stuff (like bungee jumping, sky diving n stuff - yet to do em though :( ).

18. I'm tooo practical and straight forward (mostly the cause of problems). Not the dreamy-land, fairies, cupid believing type.

19. I dont believe in luck at all... Good or Bad, its of my doing. Believe in karma.

20. I'm an ardent believer of the cliche - "Rules are meant to be broken". Have done sooo many crazy things and got into trouble for em.

21. I can make friends easily but am very very careful committing towards a relationship.

22. I get highly irritated when someone doesnt keep up the trust that I have on them.

23. I love kids and dogs. (Separately of course) I can get along with them within a max. 10 mins.

24. When I get into trouble, I can never lie. Its easy to call my bluff.

25. I just hate window shopping. Call me chauvinistic, but I think its meant only for the ladies. Guys can accompany them while shopping but I cant take them getting so involved that U cant say which is which.

There u go, one hell of a time. I had to wrench and squeeze my brain to get this done.
And sorry but I aint gonna tag anyone NOW...probably later (refer to # 20).

Now I tag someone...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


A friend of mine once had a date with the big man and guess didn’t like him too much. She dumped him. Now, he’s so upset that he’s hit the roads with a Romanov in his hand and catches hold of every Tom, Dick and Harry he can lay his eyes on to torcher them to set him up with her again on a second chance.

Unfortunately, I happen to play the roll of Tom.

Today, I was not sure whether it was the Zulus doing the mamba wamba rain dance or the big man just lettin out his frustrations, But it was one ‘hell’ of a rain with all the wrath showing as lightning and thunder. Starting at 1 00 am, he cried, cried and cried. Somehow the cries (rain) stopped at 6 am.

Left the house on my bike thinking about the wet roads. I didnt know i was in for some sick games. Roads are unusually empty and everything seemingly normal. I dont want to take risks (pretty unusual of me) and so keep a constant speed of 35 (Thanks to digital metres). Now comes the ‘twists and turns’. I see a red santro in front of me slowing down to a stop towards the left at a decent distance away. I say “ah, what the heck” and continue my drive.

Suddenly, the red santro swerves to the right from all the way left to take a ‘U-Turn’ and i’m the scapegoat. Hit the rear brakes (literally standing on it to be more precise) and the bike starts skidding sideways. Experience has taught me never to hit the front brakes abrubtly unless i wanted a "Hallowed be thy head" (effect of Iron Maiden 24-7...Sorry). So ya, thankfully my (so called) instincts pop up from nowhere and I hit the front brakes after the vehicle slowed down a bit.

There was a small ‘Romantic’ moment between my bike’s front tire and the santro’s door, which was blatantly cut short with my banging on the driver’s window. Window rolls down to show the face of a woman in her 40s murmuring blah blah blah. (STFU womannnnn) I shout ‘What the **** is wrong with you? What are the bloody indicators for?’ The woman has the guts to say, ‘I THOUGHT i had switched on the LEFT indicator’. Pls note this point your honour. First of all she ‘thought’ she had done it and next she says “left” indicator when she swerved to the right. Grrrr....

These kind of bird brains who call themselves drivers shouldn’t be allowed on the roads. Anyways, we parted with swearing words and went our own ways. Since after the incident, Murphy has had some mercy on me and not fiddled with my day….SO FAR. Cant be stuck inside the house so well i'm off again. Lets c what the big man has in store.... Bring It On !!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Good Son

So this being my first blog after hibernation for god knows how long....
I thought a small introduction would be apt...

A sample of how 'good' I am since the good ol days. I have played many a role in childhood. Just a few of 'em that stuck in my memory….

Role : Climber
Age : 5
Venue : Home sweet home, 1st floor balcony

Author looks around in suspicion.
Mom - packing dad's lunch…Check
Dad - Gettin ready for work…Check
Sis - Sleeping like a baby…Check
Coast is clear….

Make a dash for it !!
Have to know whats behind that balcony door….

Ah…!! What a b-e-a-utiful view !!
How dare they deprieve me of this…??? Hmpf...

Ooohh whats this… (the thrill of looking over the balcony railings)...
Whoops….(Author slips and falls…hangs on to the railing)

Now if I scream, (trust me - I really really want to) I'm gonna get my arse kicked by my dad… Hmmmm….Lemme wait this one out. (Waits for a signal…)

On hearing the sweet sound of my dad's bike vrroom out the gate,I scream, Moooooommmmmmyyyyy….. Helllllppppppp !!! Now my mom knows I'm missing and something is wrong but poor thing doesnt know where the sound was coming from.
Finally, after constant screams, she found me !!!Yay….

Even though I got the proper 'treatment', I still hold pride for my presence of mind on saving my behind.

Role : Bullfighter
Age : 6
Venue : Just outside the apartments

Mom and dad have gone to office…Sister playing with her friends…I'm bored…
hmmmm - a cow… (Bulb lights up above my head)

I Walk up to the HUGE (hey, it was huge….atleast compared to my size) beast…
And start playing race car with its half grown horns….
Durrrrr…..Honk… Honk…And Bam !!! An accident…

The Beast is out of control….The Raging Bullfighter is thrown a few feet away into a storage bin (thats what i prefer to call it.... NOT a dustbin)…

And Behold !!! The fighter walks without a scratch. (Author thinking "Haha..silly fellows..if only they could read my mind..ouch !!)
Thats why, till date I keep my distance from the 'supposedly' calm beasts.
(hmpf…cant even let a little kid play race on their horns….And people call them calm..Che )

Role : Hitchiker
Age : 6
Venue : Outside Kumar Uncle's House…Near his scooter

Kumar Uncle is just about to leave for office in a hurry cuz he's running late.
Gets onto the scooter and starts kicking again and again and again…(Hey, its after all Hamaraa bajaj….. Hamaraa Bajaj )
Anyways, A free ride is worth anything…So I get onto the backseat of the scooter and wait impatiently.
Finally, after a few more huff and puffs, he kickstarts my free ride.
After about 10 mins I get bored of the ride and the feeling that I was straying away too far from home was engulfing me.
So i calmly just tap uncle on his shoulder and say :
"Uncle, enough of taking me around. Can you please drop me back at home cuz amma will be looking for me now."

Imagine the look on his face…He jumps up and looks around frantically.
Me, being the 'good' son, calm him :
"Uncle, dont worry its me only. Madan. I got on when you were about to leave. Now take me back home."
The vehicle comes to a screeching halt with the other roadsters shouting and waving their fists at me.
Kumar uncle gets down from the vehicle and his face was really red for some reason.
Till today I couldnt figure out whether it was because of the scare I gave or the rage.
But anyways, it was red.
Finally he dropped me back home hissing and cussing.
I think he bunked office that day…(wait a minute, it was the whole week.... oops..)
I think his Blood Pressure went off the roof….

Well there you go…
Just a few incidents to prove how innocent and good I have been.
Right from childhood….
Till date…. I swear....
Just that my "deeds" have grown along and are now at a different level.... hehe...
Adios…. Ciao... Bye...